Door-to-Door Parcel Delivery From Supply Point to User's Home With Heterogeneous Robot Team: The euROBIN First-Year Robotics Hackathon

Alejandro Suarez, Rainer Kartmann, Daniel Leidner, Luca Rossini, Johann Huber, Carlos Azevedo, Quentin Rouxel, Marko Bjelonic, Antonio Gonzalez-Morgado, Christian Dreher, Peter Schmaus, Arturo Laurenzi, Francois Helenon, Rodrigo Serra, Jean Baptiste Mouret, Lorenz Wellhausen, Vicente Perez-Sanchez, Jianfeng Gao, Adrian Simon Bauer, Alessio De LucaMouad Abrini, Rui Bettencourt, Olivier Rochel, Joonho Lee, Pablo Viana, Christoph Pohl, Nesrine Batti, Diego Vedelago, Vamsi Krishna Guda, Alexander Reske, Carlos Alvarez, Fabian Reister, Werner Friedl, Corrado Burchielli, Aline Baudry, Fabian Peller-Konrad, Thomas Gumpert, Luca Muratore, Philippe Gauthier, Franziska Krebs, Sebastian Jung, Lorenzo Baccelliere, Hippolyte Watrelot, Andre Meixner, Anne Kopken, Mohamed Chetouani, Pascal Weiner, Florian Lay, Felix Hundhausen, Anne Reichert, Noemie Jaquier, Florian Schmidt, Marco Sewtz, Freek Stulp, Lioba Suchenwirth, Rudolph Triebel, Xuwei Wu, Begona Arrue, Rebecca Schedl-Warpup, Marco Hutter, Serena Ivaldi, Pedro U. Lima, Stephane Doncieux, Nikos Tsagarakis, Tamim Asfour, Anibal Ollero, Alin Albu-Schaeffer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Logistics and service operations involving parcel preparation, delivery, and unpacking from a supply point to a user's home could be carried out completely by robots in the near future, taking advantage of the capabilities of the different robot morphologies for the logistics, outdoor, and domestic environments. The use of robots for parcel delivery can contribute to the goals of sustainability and reduced emissions by exploiting their different locomotion modalities (wheeled, legged, and aerial). This article reports the development and results obtained from the first robotics hackathon celebrated as part of the European Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Network involving eight robotic platforms in three domains: 1) an industrial robotic arm for parcel preparation at the supply point, 2) a Centauro robot, a dual-arm aerial manipulator, and a wheeled-legged quadruped for parcel transportation, and 3) two humanoid robots and two commercial mobile manipulators for parcel delivery and unpacking in domestic scenarios. The article describes the joint operation and the evaluation scenario, the features and capabilities of the robots, particularly those involved in the realization of the tasks, and the lessons learned.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
StateAccepted/In press - 2024
Externally publishedYes


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