Does flower phenology mirror the slowdown of global warming?

Susanne Jochner, Annette Menzel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Although recent global warming trends in air temperature are not as pronounced as those observed only one decade ago, global mean temperature is still at a very high level. Does plant phenology - which is believed to be a suitable indicator of climate change - respond in a similar way, that is, does it still mirror recent temperature variations? We explored in detail long-term flowering onset dates of snowdrop, cherry, and lime tree and relevant spring temperatures at three sites in Germany (1901-2012) using the Bayesian multiple change-point approach. We investigated whether mean spring temperature changes were amplified or slowed down in the past decade and how plant phenology responded to the most recent temperature changes. Incorporating records with different end points (i.e., 2002 and 2012), we compared differences in trends and inferred possible differences caused by extrapolating phenological and meteorological data. The new multiple-change point approach is characterized by an enhanced structure and greater flexibility compared to the one change point model. However, the highest model probabilities for phenological (meteorological) records were still obtained for the one change point (linear) model. Marked warming trends in the recent decade were only revealed for mean temperatures of March to May, here better described with one or two change point models. In the majority of cases analyzed, changes in temperatures were well mirrored by phenological changes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2284-2295
Number of pages12
JournalEcology and Evolution
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2015


  • Bayesian statistics
  • Climate change
  • Flowering
  • Multiple change-point model
  • Phenology
  • Trend


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