Direct observation of chemo-mechanical coupling in DnaK by single-molecule force experiments

Anubhuti Singh, Matthias Rief, Gabriel Žoldák

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Protein allostery requires a communication channel for functional regulation between distal sites within a protein. In the molecular chaperone Hsp70, a two-domain enzyme, the ATP/ADP status of an N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain regulates the substrate affinity of a C-terminal substrate-binding domain. Recently available three-dimensional structures of Hsp70 in ATP/ADP states have provided deep insights into molecular pathways of allosteric signals. However, direct mechanical probing of long-range allosteric coupling between the ATP hydrolysis step and domain states is missing. Using laser optical tweezers, we examined the mechanical properties of a truncated two-domain DnaK(1–552ye) in apo/ADP/ATP- and peptide-bound states. We find that in the apo and ADP states, DnaK domains are mechanically stable and rigid. However, in the ATP state, substrate-binding domain (SBD)ye is mechanically destabilized as the result of interdomain docking followed by the unfolding of the α-helical lid. By observing the folding state of the SBD, we could observe the continuous ATP/ADP cycling of the enzyme in real time with a single molecule. The SBD lid closure is strictly coupled to the chemical steps of the ATP hydrolysis cycle even in the presence of peptide substrate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4729-4739
Number of pages11
JournalBiophysical Journal
Issue number23
StatePublished - 6 Dec 2022


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