Die retardierte Verlaufsform der experimentellen Infektion mit Trypanosoma cruzi (Stamm WBH) in laktierenden Mäusen

Translated title of the contribution: Growth inhibition of trypanosoma cruzi (WBH strain) in experimentally infected lactating mice

Rüdiger Disko, Heinz E. Krampitz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


1. The effect of physiological reproductive state of the experimentale mice on the course of infection with the WBH-strain of Trypanosoma cruzi was investigated. 2. Mice infected during pregnancy develop a more severe parasitemia than the virgin controls of the same age. Although the parasite density in the peripheral blood before death is significantly higher, survival time is not affected. 3. Animals infected with a dose of 1.3·106 trypanosomes shortly after littering showed markedly lower parasite counts in comparison with the controls. The survival time was prolonged by almost one third (p<0.001). Approximately every 10th lactating mouse survived whereas not one of the controls survived. An even greater degree of growth inhibition was apparent in mice infected on the 10th day of lactation. 4. This is only partially explained by the presence and suckling activities of the youngs. If the youngs are removed immediately after birth and shortly before the infection, the inhibition of parasitic growth and prolongation of the survival time can be equally well confirmed. However, no mouse survived from which the young had been removed. Mice infected after the end of their lactation reacted like the virgin controls. 5. In the case of infection with a dose of 250·103 of trypanosomes per mouse with which all the controls died, 50% of the lactating mice survived. The survival time of the other half, where only slight parasitemia was present, was considerably extended. 6. For the calculation of a given trypanosome count in a given suspension-and inoculation-volume, a method of inverse rule of three is suggested which would also be suitable for other microorganisms. 7. Calculation of the pre-mortal trypanosome count in more than 100 mice showed lower parasite densities with a margin of error of p<0.01 in the lactating hosts. Under the experimental conditions described, the physiological state of lactation had a therapeutic effect. 8. In the neutralisation test no evidence was seen of an immunological cause of the benign course of the disease in lactating mice. Even the daily substitution of 2 or 20 I.U. of Prolactin had no influence in the virgin mice on parasite growth or survival time. 9. A special diet very rich in protein and fat only had a statistically very significant influence on the prolongation of life in the lactating mice but was without result in the controls. 10. The possible physiological cause of the retarded course of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in lactating mice was discussed but no definite conclusion was reached.

Translated title of the contributionGrowth inhibition of trypanosoma cruzi (WBH strain) in experimentally infected lactating mice
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)11-42
Number of pages32
JournalZeitschrift für Parasitenkunde Parasitology Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 1969
Externally publishedYes


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