Die berufliche situation von kieler ökotrophologen

Translated title of the contribution: The professional situation of ecotrophologists from the University of Kiel

Carsten Haarhaus, Jutta Roosen, Silke Thiele

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The present paper deals with the professional situation and chances of development of ecotrophologists in Kiel. Graduates of 11 subsequent years (1991-2001) had been asked for pertinent information. 274 (54.6%) answered the questionnaire. In view of the low number of adequate posts offered, lack of professional experience, many competitors from academic and non-academic fields and some other problems, ecotrophologists perceive it as difficult to find a job. More than 80% nevertheless do have a job, most of them within universities/public and private sectors of research, the service sector, the food and pharmaceutical industry, and the public health service. Initially small differences between the working fields of those that specialised in nutritional science on the one hand and household and food economics on the other grow with advancing careers. Main fields of work activity are counselling/information, research and sales/distribution. Starting from the same level, salaries of those working in the economic field (mean salaries of € 47 600) are at later stages significantly higher than those of nutrition scientists. About two thirds of survey respondents rate the professional adequacy of their employment highly, but not so much for the adequacy with respect to their professional qualification. Chances of professional development are generally regarded as "good" to "satisfactory". The interdisciplinary character of the curriculum opens many working fields, continuously requiring a high degree of flexibility.

Translated title of the contributionThe professional situation of ecotrophologists from the University of Kiel
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)218-224
Number of pages7
JournalErnahrungs Umschau
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2006
Externally publishedYes


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