Diagnosis and treatment of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder

R. Gradinger, K. Flock, H. Rechl, M. Scheyerer, G. Opitz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


It is necessary to differentiate between post-traumatic recurrent and habitual dislocation of the shoulder joint, both for therapeutic and insurance reasons. In addition to the case history and clinical findings, we also use special radiology, CT, MRI and ultrasonography to establish the diagnosis. We have successfully treated ventral and ventral-caudal recurrent dislocations with Lange's procedure. A follow-up of 124 shoulders (average follow-up time almost 9 years post-op.) revealed satisfied patients in 95% of the cases. Postoperative recurrences (subluxations 8, dislocations 3) occurred in particular in the case of habitual and/or multidirectional instabilities. A more differentiated diagnostic work-up has resulted in a more optimal choice of surgical procedure, and the excellent results achieved with Lange's procedure can be improvised still further.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)44-48
Number of pages5
JournalFortschritte der Medizin
Issue number25
StatePublished - 1988


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