Determination of lead concentration in Allchar lorandite

E. Preisenberger, G. Korschinek, E. Nolte, H. Morinaga

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


The lead/thallium ratio in a sample of Allchar lorandite (Tl·As·S2) has been measured to be (5.2±1.3)×10-6 by means of an alpha activation analysis. The mineral of this mine is expected to be suitable for the geochemical 205Tl solar neutrino experiment. The α activities were measured with a surface barrier detector of 200 mm2 active area and 0.2 mm sensitive depth. For the measurement a disc source with a radius of 18 mm and a thickness of about 10 μm was produced by powderizing the target. The distance target-detector was 12 mm. Due to the thickness of our source the energy of the α line was smeared out.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)266
Number of pages1
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jan 1988
EventProceedings of the International Conference on Solar Neutrino Detection with 205Tl and Related Topics - Dubrovnik, Ygosl
Duration: 29 Sep 19863 Oct 1986


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