Designing dynamic distributed cooperative Human-Machine Systems

A. Lüdtke, D. Javaux, F. Tango, R. Heers, K. Bengler, C. Ronfle-Nadaud

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


The paper presents a new approach to the development of cooperative human-machine systems in the Transportation domain which is currently researched in the European project D3CoS. A necessary precondition for the acceptance of cooperative human-machine systems with shared control is the confidence and trust of the user into the system. D3CoS tackles this important issue by addressing the cooperative system as the object and the target of the system development process. This new perspective, along with corresponding innovative methods, techniques and tools, shall allow the identification of optimal task and authority sharing approaches supported by intuitive human-machine interaction and user interfaces at an early stage of system development. This will support powerful teamwork between humans and machines or between machines and machines that is transparent, intuitive and easy to understand. The paper describes the research dimensions for the development of the methods, techniques and tools as well as first results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4250-4257
Number of pages8
Issue numberSUPPL.1
StatePublished - 2012


  • cooperative system development and evaluation
  • design patterns for adaptive task and resource allocation
  • reusable concepts for advanced human machine interaction


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