Design for adaptability - Identifying potential for improvement on an architecture basis

Maximilian Kissel, Phillip Schrieverhoff, Udo Lindemann

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Adaptability provides additional value to stakeholders over the whole life-cycle. But the systematic design of product life-cycle properties into complex systems constitutes an ambiguous task. Design for Adaptability (DfA) is an evolving topic in both science and industry. However, the transformation of a system to a desired “amount” of adaptability is impeded by lack of transparency of dependencies among system elements and their vague influence on the properties. Therefore, we present methodology, which allows improving systematically the adaptability of a system. The first step clarifies of the adaptability business case. Then, the system model is generated and analyzed. Dependent on the business case measures for improvement can be derived. At the example of an automotive braking system for an electric vehicle, we demonstrated the application of the methodology.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNordDesign 2012 - Proceedings of the 9th NordDesign Conference
EditorsPoul Kyvsgaard Hansen, John Rasmussen, Kaj A. Jorgensen, Christian Tollestrup
PublisherCenter for Industrial Production, Aalborg University and Design Society, University of Strathclyde
ISBN (Electronic)9788791831515
StatePublished - 2012
Event9th NordDesign Conference, NordDesign 2012 - Aalborg, Denmark
Duration: 22 Aug 201224 Aug 2012

Publication series

NameNordDesign 2012 - Proceedings of the 9th NordDesign Conference


Conference9th NordDesign Conference, NordDesign 2012


  • Design for Adaptability
  • Product Architecture Design
  • Structural Complexity


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