Design and implementation of the OFELIA FP7 facility: The European OpenFlow testbed

M. Suñé, L. Bergesio, H. Woesner, T. Rothe, A. Köpsel, D. Colle, B. Puype, D. Simeonidou, R. Nejabati, M. Channegowda, M. Kind, T. Dietz, A. Autenrieth, V. Kotronis, E. Salvadori, S. Salsano, M. Körner, S. Sharma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

58 Scopus citations


The growth of the Internet in terms of number of devices, the number of networks associated to each device and the mobility of devices and users makes the operation and management of the Internet network infrastructure a very complex challenge. In order to address this challenge, innovative solutions and ideas must be tested and evaluated in real network environments and not only based on simulations or laboratory setups. OFELIA is an European FP7 project and its main objective is to address the aforementioned challenge by building and operating a multi-layer, multi-technology and geographically distributed Future Internet testbed facility, where the network itself is precisely controlled and programmed by the experimenter using the emerging OpenFlow technology. This paper reports on the work done during the first half of the project, the lessons learned as well as the key advantages of the OFELIA facility for developing and testing new networking ideas. An overview on the challenges that have been faced on the design and implementation of the testbed facility is described, including the OFELIA Control Framework testbed management software. In addition, early operational experience of the facility since it was opened to the general public, providing five different testbeds or islands, is described.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-150
Number of pages19
JournalComputer Networks
StatePublished - 14 Mar 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Network virtualization
  • OFELIA FP7 testbed
  • OpenFlow
  • Programmable networks
  • Software-defined networks
  • Testbed control framework


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