Der hybridisierungsgrad kombinierter traktionsantriebe als charakteristische entwurfs- und bewertungsgröße

Translated title of the contribution: Factor of hybridization as a design and evaluation parameter for hybrid vehicles

I. Bolvashenkov, H. G. Herzog, A. Engstle

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Today the variety of hybrid vehicles that combine an internal combustion engine with an electric motor is manifold in respect to drive-train topology and installed power (electrical/thermical). At the same time it has to be contested, that there is no universal method for comparative analysis regarding the technical level as well as the efficiency of the suggested draft. In this paper, an analysis of the technical and economical parameters, as well, as an estimation of the potential for increasing efficiency by various hybrid alternatives is being carried out. As auxiliary instrument for comparative analysis, it is suggested to use the factor of hybridization, which describes the ratio of electromotive to combustion-engined power. On the basis of the collected data a technique shall be derived that already at an early stage of design allows an estimation of important parameters of the developed car, such as fuel consumption, costs, weight, overall dimensions and reliability.

Translated title of the contributionFactor of hybridization as a design and evaluation parameter for hybrid vehicles
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationVDI Berichte
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 2006

Publication series

NameVDI Berichte
ISSN (Print)0083-5560


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