Defining lower limits of biodegradation: atrazine degradation regulated by mass transfer and maintenance demand in Arthrobacter aurescens TC1

Kankana Kundu, Sviatlana Marozava, Benno Ehrl, Juliane Merl-Pham, Christian Griebler, Martin Elsner

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47 Scopus citations


Exploring adaptive strategies by which microorganisms function and survive in low-energy natural environments remains a grand goal of microbiology, and may help address a prime challenge of the 21st century: degradation of man-made chemicals at low concentrations (“micropollutants”). Here we explore physiological adaptation and maintenance energy requirements of a herbicide (atrazine)-degrading microorganism (Arthrobacter aurescens TC1) while concomitantly observing mass transfer limitations directly by compound-specific isotope fractionation analysis. Chemostat-based growth triggered the onset of mass transfer limitation at residual concentrations of 30 μg L−1 of atrazine with a bacterial population doubling time (td) of 14 days, whereas exacerbated energy limitation was induced by retentostat-based near-zero growth (td = 265 days) at 12 ± 3 μg L−1 residual concentration. Retentostat cultivation resulted in (i) complete mass transfer limitation evidenced by the disappearance of isotope fractionation (ε13C = −0.45‰ ± 0.36‰) and (ii) a twofold decrease in maintenance energy requirement compared with chemostat cultivation. Proteomics revealed that retentostat and chemostat cultivation under mass transfer limitation share low protein turnover and expression of stress-related proteins. Mass transfer limitation effectuated slow-down of metabolism in retentostats and a transition from growth phase to maintenance phase indicating a limit of ≈10 μg L−1 for long-term atrazine degradation. Further studies on other ecosystem-relevant microorganisms will substantiate the general applicability of our finding that mass transfer limitation serves as a trigger for physiological adaptation, which subsequently defines a lower limit of biodegradation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2236-2251
Number of pages16
JournalISME Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2019


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