Data Management Plan (DMP) for large CRC projects.

Research output: Other contribution


This data management plan was created for large Collaborative Research Centers (CRC). The data generated in such centers is considered big, broad and heterogeneous. It may range from surveys, lab experiments, simulations, data models to software code and hardware design as well as real world objects etc. This plan has been implemented for the work of TRR277 AMC (a CRC funded by German Research Council (DFG)) since mid-2020. Since then, it has been offered as template of online fillable forms in TUM Workbench. TUM Workbench features some of the basic properties e.g. title, unique ID and project/ work package associations. And the functions of versioning and logs. The Guidelines and hints section of this DMP has been through several updates to help users. The latest draft version 3.2.1 dated September 02, 2022 is being published in its actual document form.
This DMP exhibits some examples as guidelines based on the e.g. AMC specific policy, institution or the nature of the project distribution. Those examples may be adopted by the target groups as per their own policy, institution or the nature of the tasks etc.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2023


  • DMP
  • Data management plan
  • Dynamic data management plan
  • RDM
  • Research data management
  • CRC
  • Collaborative research centre
  • LOCenter


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