Das Wuchsmodell SILVA - Parametrisierung der version 2.1 für rein- und mischbestände aus fichte und buche

Translated title of the contribution: The growth model SILVA 2.1 - A parameterization for pure and mixed species stands from spruce and beech

M. Kahn, H. Pretzsch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

61 Scopus citations


After years of data collection in mixed species stands a new version of the distance dependent single tree model SILVA can be parameterized for mixed and pure stands of spruce and beech. Models for predicting crown intersection and crown diameter are developed, potential relations between tree height, tree diameter and site factors are given. In addition models for predicting height increment and diameter increment are derived, mortality functions and multi dimensional distance functions for generating stand structures are presented. All models include parameter estimates and their standard errors respectively, plots of the residuals are scetched too.

Translated title of the contributionThe growth model SILVA 2.1 - A parameterization for pure and mixed species stands from spruce and beech
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)115-123
Number of pages9
JournalAllgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung
Issue number6-7
StatePublished - Jun 1997
Externally publishedYes


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