Corrigendum to ’Potentials for wood cascading: A model for the prediction of the recovery of timber in Germany’ (Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2022) 178, (S0921344921007096), (10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.106101))

Pia Szichta, Michael Risse, Gabriele Weber-Blaschke, Klaus Richter

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors regret the following text from the Abstract and the Conclusions: An increasing amount of recovered timber with a minimum of 26.6 Mm3 (13.1 Mt) for 2019 to 29.5 Mm3 (14.2 Mt) in 2050 can be expected. Within the next 30 years, an overall increase can be expected in the amount of recovered timber of 13.1 Mt over that of 2019. Due to the unlikely increase in the consumption of wood products, at least the volumes from scenario S0, with 14.2 Mt in 2050, can probably be expected. The rephrased text reads as follows: An increasing amount of recovered timber with a minimum of 26.6 Mm³ SWE (13.1 Mt) for 2019 to 29.5 Mm³ SWE (14.2 Mt) in 2050 can be expected. Within the next 30 years, an overall increase can be expected in the amount of recovered timber compared to 13.1 Mt in 2019. Due to the unlikely decrease in the consumption of wood products, at least the volumes from scenario S0, with 14.2 Mt in 2050, can probably be expected. Moreover, the year in the reference Höglmeier et al., 2015(a) should be changed to 2017. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106415
JournalResources, Conservation and Recycling
StatePublished - Oct 2022


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