Conversion of CO2 via visible light promoted homogeneous redox catalysis

Richard Reithmeier, Christian Bruckmeier, Bernhard Rieger

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

86 Scopus citations


This review gives an overview on the principles of light-promoted homogeneous redox catalysis in terms of applications in CO2 conversion. Various chromophores and the advantages of different structures and metal centers as well as optimization strategies are discussed. All aspects of the reduction catalyst site are restricted to CO2 conversion. An important focus of this review is the question of a replacement of the sacrificial donor which is found in most of the current publications. Furthermore, electronic parameters of supramolecular systems are reviewed with reference to the requisite of chromophores, oxidation and reduction sites.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)544-571
Number of pages28
Issue number4
StatePublished - 27 Nov 2012


  • Photocatalysis
  • Photooxidation
  • Photoreduction
  • Sacrificial amines


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