Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity

Gaëtane Le Provost, Jan Thiele, Catrin Westphal, Caterina Penone, Eric Allan, Margot Neyret, Fons van der Plas, Manfred Ayasse, Richard D. Bardgett, Klaus Birkhofer, Steffen Boch, Michael Bonkowski, Francois Buscot, Heike Feldhaar, Rachel Gaulton, Kezia Goldmann, Martin M. Gossner, Valentin H. Klaus, Till Kleinebecker, Jochen KraussSwen Renner, Pascal Scherreiks, Johannes Sikorski, Dennis Baulechner, Nico Blüthgen, Ralph Bolliger, Carmen Börschig, Verena Busch, Melanie Chisté, Anna Maria Fiore-Donno, Markus Fischer, Hartmut Arndt, Norbert Hoelzel, Katharina John, Kirsten Jung, Markus Lange, Carlo Marzini, Jörg Overmann, Esther Paŝalić, David J. Perović, Daniel Prati, Deborah Schäfer, Ingo Schöning, Marion Schrumpf, Ilja Sonnemann, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Marco Tschapka, Manfred Türke, Juliane Vogt, Katja Wehner, Christiane Weiner, Wolfgang Weisser, Konstans Wells, Michael Werner, Volkmar Wolters, Tesfaye Wubet, Susanne Wurst, Andrey S. Zaitsev, Peter Manning

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

105 Scopus citations


Land-use intensification is a major driver of biodiversity loss. However, understanding how different components of land use drive biodiversity loss requires the investigation of multiple trophic levels across spatial scales. Using data from 150 agricultural grasslands in central Europe, we assess the influence of multiple components of local- and landscape-level land use on more than 4,000 above- and belowground taxa, spanning 20 trophic groups. Plot-level land-use intensity is strongly and negatively associated with aboveground trophic groups, but positively or not associated with belowground trophic groups. Meanwhile, both above- and belowground trophic groups respond to landscape-level land use, but to different drivers: aboveground diversity of grasslands is promoted by diverse surrounding land-cover, while belowground diversity is positively related to a high permanent forest cover in the surrounding landscape. These results highlight a role of landscape-level land use in shaping belowground communities, and suggest that revised agroecosystem management strategies are needed to conserve whole-ecosystem biodiversity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3918
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2021


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