Conclusions from CDF results on CP violation in D0 → π+π-,K+K- and future tasks

Ikaros I. Bigi, Ayan Paul, Stefan Recksiegel

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42 Scopus citations


Within the Standard Model (SM) one predicts both direct and indirect CP violation in D0 → π+π-,K +K- transitions, although the effects are tiny: Indirect CP asymmetry cannot exceed O(10-4), probably even O(10-5); direct effects are estimated at not larger than 10-4.At B factories direct and indirect asymmetries have been studied with (t)/τD0 ≈ 1; no CP asymmetry was found with an upper bound of about 1%.CDF has shown intriguing data on CP violation in D0 → π+π-, K+K- with (t)/τD0 ≈ 2.4[2.65].Also,CDF has not seen any CP violation.For direct CP asymmetry,CDF has a sensitivity similar to the combination of the B factories,yet for indirect CP violation it yields a significantly smaller sensitivity of aind CP = (-0.01 ± 0.06stat ± 0.05syst)% due to it being based on longer decay times.New Physics models (NP) like Little Higgs Models with T-Parity (LHT) can produce an indirect CP asymmetry up to 1%; CDF's findings thus cover the upper range of realistic NP predictions ̃ 0.1-1%. One hopes that LHCb and a Super-Flavour Factory will probe the lower range down to ̃ 0.01%.Such non-ad-hoc NP like LHT cannot enhance direct CP violation significantly over the SM level in D 0 → π+π-,K+K- and D± → π±K+K - transitions,but others might well do so.

Original languageEnglish
Article number89
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2011


  • Beyond Standard Model
  • CP violation
  • Rare Decays


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