Complete fusion of N15+Al27

F. W. Prosser, R. A. Racca, K. Daneshvar, D. F. Geesaman, W. Henning, D. G. Kovar, K. E. Rehm, S. L. Tabor

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16 Scopus citations


The total fusion cross section for the system N15 + Al27 has been measured over an energy range 27 MeV≤Elab≤70 MeV by detection of the fusion-evaporation residues. In addition elastic scattering was measured at six energies and fitted by optical model calculations. The fusion cross section for the system saturates at 1150±50 mb. The data can be well described by the model of Glas and Mosel, using a reasonable set of parameters. The model of Horn and Ferguson also describes the data well if an appropriate charge radius is used. Comparison is made between these results and the fusion cross sections for O16 + Mg26 and O18 + Mg24, which lead to the same compound nucleus. The results for N15 + Al27 are quite similar to those for O18 + Mg24, and the differences between the fusion cross sections for these two systems and those for O16 + Mg26 may be evidence for an entrance channel effect. NUCLEAR REACTIONS N15+Al27, Elab=27-70 MeV; measured σfusion(E); measured dσdΩ elastic scattering; data fitted with Glas and Mosel model, Horn and Ferguson model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1819-1823
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes


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