Comparison of Langmuir and emissive probes as diagnostics for turbulence studies in the low-temperature plasma of the torsatron TJ-K

N. Mahdizadeh, F. Greiner, M. Ramisch, U. Stroth, W. Guttenfelder, C. Lechte, K. Rahbarnia

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70 Scopus citations


For the investigation of turbulent transport in magnetized plasmas, the cross-phase between density and plasma potential fluctuations is a key parameter. In the majority of the experimental studies, the floating potential of a conventional Langmuir probe is used as an estimate for the plasma potential. It is well known, however, that plasma and floating potential fluctuations can have different phases if temperature fluctuations are present in the plasma. A diagnostic giving a direct estimate of the plasma potential fluctuations is the emissive probe. In this work, potential measurements from both emissive and Langmuir probes are directly compared. The experiments are carried out in the magnetically confined low-temperature plasma of the TJ-K torsatron. Potential, electric field and density fluctuations are measured with a three-tip probe array in the entire plasma volume. Profiles of mean values and fluctuations of the parameters are compared. The deviation of the mean plasma potential from the floating potential is larger than expected from simple probe theory. The measurements of fluctuations, however, which are relevant for turbulence studies, do not show a significant difference. This justifies the use of Langmuir probes for turbulence studies at least in toroidal low-temperature plasmas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)569-579
Number of pages11
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2005
Externally publishedYes


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