Collective mode damping and viscosity in a 1D unitary Fermi gas

M. Punk, W. Zwerger

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14 Scopus citations


We calculate the damping of the Bogoliubov-Anderson mode in a one-dimensional (1D) two-component attractive Fermi gas for arbitrary coupling strength within a quantum hydrodynamic approach. Using the Bethe-ansatz solution of the ID BCS-BEC crossover problem, we derive analytic results for the viscosity covering the full range from a Luther-Emery liquid of weakly bound pairs to a Lieb-Liniger gas of strongly bound bosonic dimers. At the unitarity point, the system is a Tonks-Girardeau gas with a universal constant αζ = 0.38 in the viscosity ζ= αζhn for T = 0. For the trapped case, we calculate the Q-factor of the breathing mode and show that the damping provides a sensitive measure of temperature in 1D Fermi gases.

Original languageEnglish
Article number168
JournalNew Journal of Physics
StatePublished - 30 Aug 2006


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