Chiral SU(3) dynamics with coupled channels: Inclusion of p-wave multipoles

J. Caro Ramon, N. Kaiser, S. Wetzel, W. Weise

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We extend our recent non-perturbative chiral SU(3) coupled channel approach to pion- and photon-induced η- and K-meson production off protons by including all strong and electromagnetic p-wave multipoles. We identify the p-wave amplitudes of the next-to-leading order SU(3) chiral meson-baryon Lagrangian with a coupled channel potential which is iterated to infinite orders in a separable Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Our approach to η- and K-photoproduction introduces no additional free parameters. By adjusting a few finite range parameters and the unknown parameters in the Lagrangian, we are able to simultaneously describe a very large amount of low-energy data. These include the total and differential cross sections of the π-induced reactions π-p→ηn,K0Λ,K0Σ 0,K+Σ- and π+p→K+Σ+ as well as those of photoproduction γp→ηp,K+Λ,K+Σ 0,K0Σ+. The polarization observables measured in η- and K-photoproduction are particularly sensitive to interference terms between the s- and p-wave multipoles. The total cross section data are remarkably well reproduced in all channels. There remain, however, some open questions concerning details of angular distributions and polarization observables.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)249-269
Number of pages21
JournalNuclear Physics, Section A
Issue number1-4
StatePublished - 5 Jun 2000


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