Carbon nanotubes-A resin for electrochemically modulated liquid chromatography

Markus Brammen, Paula Fraga-García, Sonja Berensmeier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Electrochemically modulated liquid chromatography is a special form of ion exchange chromatography in which the separation process is controlled by applying an electric potential to the stationary phase. This form of chromatography has so far only been applied in research studies. The present study shows that multiwalled carbon nanotubes are an effective resin material for an electrochemically modulated chromatography process. The experiments are carried out in a newly designed column that enables the packing of nanomaterials. We investigate the influence of the applied potential on the retention and elution of maleic acid, determine the dynamic binding capacity, and calculate the utilization degree of the electrical charge in the adsorption process. Moreover, the stability of the resin and the membrane over more than 200 working hours are presented. In addition to the stability, their sturdiness and inexpensive price are important qualities that make multiwalled carbon nanotubes interesting for application as the stationary phase in an electrochemically driven process. The investigated chromatography technique represents a promising separation process for future applications as a preparative step in biotechnology as well as other life science fields.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1176-1183
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Separation Science
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2017


  • conductive resins
  • conductive stationary phases
  • electrochemically modulated chromatography
  • multiwalled carbon nanotubes
  • potential-controlled chromatography


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