Carbon layers in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade

V. Rohde, H. Maier, K. Krieger, R. Neu, J. Perchermaier

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Scopus citations


One of the main disadvantages of carbon as first wall material in a fusion device is the co-deposition of hydrogen with the eroded carbon. These layers will contain a significant amount of the tritium inventory of a fusion reactor. After venting brownish layers and flakes were found under the divertor structure of ASDEX Upgrade. First investigations were made on these flakes. Due to the complicated structure beyond the divertor, shadowing effects occur indicating that the brown layers are deposited by ionized particles. The flakes were analyzed using SEM and ion beam techniques. Two different types of hydrocarbon layers were found: The brownish hydrogen poor layer (D/C = 0.4) and transparent hydrogen rich layer (D/C = 1). The total amount of carbon beyond the divertor could be estimated to 1.5 g, deposited in 3000 s of plasma discharges. First measurement of the layer growth using a quartz crystal microbalance instrument is presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)317-320
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
StatePublished - Mar 2001
Externally publishedYes


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