Calculation and visualization of influence co-efficients and acoustic contributions in vehicle cabins using mode superposition techniques

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Acoustic diagnostics in vehicle cabin noise are becoming more and more of a special interest for the automotive industry. Mechanical transfer functions can be calculated rather exactly. The resulting velocity field of the vibrating panels cannot be considered as supplying complete information about real contributions to the sound pressure level for frequencies higher than 80 Hz. Another method is the determination and visualization of influence factors used as weighting factors for the velocity field to calculate true contributions. Two different Boundary Element based methods for the calculation of influence factors and participation factors are shown in this paper. Mode superposition techniques can be applied optionally. Furthermore, a visualization method is presented. Applications give an impression of the methods power.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
StatePublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes
EventProceedings of the 1996 18th World Conference on the Boundary Element Method, BEM XVIII - Braga, Port
Duration: 24 Sep 199626 Sep 1996


ConferenceProceedings of the 1996 18th World Conference on the Boundary Element Method, BEM XVIII
CityBraga, Port


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