Br2 B3Π(Ou+) excitation spectra and radiative lifetimes in rare gas solids

V. E. Bondybey, S. S. Bearder, Christine Fletcher

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65 Scopus citations


Following excitation into either the bound B3Π(O u+) vibrational levels or into the continuum, Br 2 emits from the ν=0 level of this state. Study of the excitation spectrum in the continuous region permits direct measurement of the B state contribution to the visible absorption and its separation from the stronger overlying 1Π1 continuum and confirms the assignment of the long wavelength shoulder on the visible absorption spectrum to the B state. A value of 7.3 μs is found for the B3Π(Ou +) ν=0 emission lifetime in solid argon. Extrapolation based on the matrix data leads to an estimate of 12±2 μs for the radiative lifetime of the gas phase molecule.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5243-5246
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1976
Externally publishedYes


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