Bleaching of p-nitrosodimethylaniline by photosystem I of chloroplast lamellae

E. F. Elstner, H. Zeller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


p-Nitrosodimethylaniline (PNDA) is photobleached by chloroplast lamellae. This reaction is blocked by inhibitors as well as by electron acceptors of photosynthetic electron transport. Reduced or excited oxygen species are apparently not involved. PNDA seems to be reduced by photosystem I (presenting a sensitive test reaction) whereas no indication for the production of OH-radicals during the light reactions is obtained.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-20
Number of pages6
JournalPlant Science Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - Sep 1978


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