B-Meson decay, CPviolation, mixing angles and the top quark mass

A. J. Buras, W. Słominski, H. Steger

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160 Scopus citations


We find the domain of the values of mt, τB and R (the top quark mass, the B-meson lifetime and γ(b → u)/γ(b → c) respectively) for which the standard six-quark model is consistent with the observed CP violation in the kaon system and with the recent experimental results for B-meson decays. The mixing angles θ2, θ3, the phase δ and the ratio ε{lunate}′/ε{lunate} are calculated as functions of mt, τB and R. The sensitivity of the analysis to the variation of the "bag" parameter B and the b- and c-quark masses is investigated. Two types of calculations are presented: one which takes into account the KL-KS mass difference and the other one which ignores it. We discuss the implications of a possible discovery of a top quark with mt below 30 GeV and we point out that for B ≤ 1 3 and mt ≈ O(25 GeV) a simultaneous consistency of the standard model with the data for τB, R, ε{lunate} and ε{lunate}′/ε{lunate} cannot be achieved. Furthermore for B ≤ 2 3 and mt ≤ 35 GeV we find ε{lunate}′/ε{lunate} ≥ 0.01. No interesting upper bound on mt follows from KL → μμ.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)529-560
Number of pages32
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number3
StatePublished - 18 Jun 1984
Externally publishedYes


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