Automatic rule-based inference of control software capabilities considering interdisciplinary aspects

S. Feldmann, C. Legat, D. Schütz, S. Ulewicz, B. Vogel-Heuser

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Engineering of manufacturing systems involves multiple disciplines, e.g. mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and software engineering. Due to the increasing functionality of automation systems and, thus, their increasing complexity, reuse of automation control software is currently achieved through copy, paste and modify. Therefore, module libraries containing verified control software are being developed to overcome these challenges. However, due to the differences of module structures in the disciplines participating in automation engineering, a pure syntactic software description based on inputs and outputs is not sufficient. Moreover, automatic retrieval of automation control software is needed to support the engineer implementing the entire system. In this paper, an approach enabling automatic retrieval of software units based on a module's hardware description by means of ontologies and customized rule-based inference is proposed.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2013
Event22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013 - Parana, Brazil
Duration: 28 Jul 20131 Aug 2013


Conference22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013


  • Collaborative engineering
  • Manufacturing systems
  • Modularity
  • Semantic technologies


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