Assessment of human reliability based on evaluation of plant experience: Requirements and implementation

Oliver Sträter, Heiner Bubb

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

41 Scopus citations


A major problem in assessment of human failures in probabilistic safety assessment is the lack of empirical data needed for human reliability analysis (HRA). This problem is aggravated by the fact that different HRA methods use different parameters for the assessment and that HRA is currently enforced to provide data and methods for assessment of human reliability in new technical environments such as computerized control rooms, in accident management situations, or in low-power and shut down situations. Plant experience is one source to deal with this problem. In this paper, a method is presented that describes how plant experience about human failures and human performance may be used to support the process of analyzing and assessing human reliability. Based on considerations of requirements of HRA, a method is presented first which is able to describe and analyze human interactions that were observed within events. Implementation of the approach as a database application is outlined. Second, the main results of the application of the method to 165 boiling water reactor events are presented. Observed influencing factors on human performance are discussed; estimates for probabilities are calculated and compared with the data tables of the THERP handbook. An outline is given for using the presented method for the analysis of cognitive errors or organizational aspects.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199-219
Number of pages21
JournalReliability Engineering and System Safety
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1999


  • Artificial intelligence
  • Event evaluation
  • Expert system
  • Human reliability assessment
  • Probabilistic safety assessment


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