ASDEX Upgrade program for closing gaps to fusion energy

R. Neu, A. Bock, M. Bernert, A. Herrmann, A. Kallenbach, P. Lang, J. M. Noterdaeme, G. Pautasso, M. Reich, J. Schweinzer, J. Stober, W. Suttrop, H. Zohm, M. Beurskens, A. Kirk

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Recent experiments in ASDEX Upgrade aimed at improving the physics base for ITER and DEMO to aid the design and prepare operation. In order to increase its exhaust capabilities and operational flexibility a new bulk W divertor as well as an adjustable cryo-pump had been installed prior to the 2014 campaign. In experiments with high field side pellet injection central electron densities twice as high as the Greenwald density limit could be achieved without strongly increasing the pedestal density and deleterious effect on confinement. Due to its large installed heating power a large normalized heat flux Psep/R=10 MWm-1 has been reached, representing 2/3 of the ITER value, under partially detached conditions with a peak target heat flux well below 10 MWm-2. The divertor load could be further reduced by increasing the core radiation still keeping the confinement in the range of H98y≈1. ELM suppression at low collisionality has been observed in a narrow spectral window in contrast to earlier results at high densities. The ITER Q=10 baseline scenario has been investigated, matching as close as possible the triangularity, the plasma beta, q95 and the distance the L-H threshold. It turned out that the ELMs frequency is low and consequently the energy ejected by a single ELM is very high and ELM mitigation appears to be difficult. As a possible alternative an improved H-Mode scenario has been developed achieving a similar performance at lower plasma current (and consequently higher q95). Experiments using ECCD with feedback controlled deposition have allowed successfully testing several control strategies for ITER, including automated control of (3,2) and (2,1) NTMs during a single discharge. Concerning advanced scenarios, experiments with central ctr-ECCD have been performed in order to modify the q-profile. A strong reversal of the q-profile could be stationary achieved and an internal transport barrier could be triggered. In disruption mitigation studies with massive gas injection (MGI) a runaway electron beam could be provoked and mitigated by a second MGI. Ongoing enhancements aim at the strengthening of the power supplies in order to allow full use of the installed heating power, the exchange of two ICRH antennas to reduce the W influx during ICRH and the upgrading of the ECRH system to 7-8 MW for 10s.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2015 IEEE 26th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE 2015
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (Electronic)9781479982646
StatePublished - 31 May 2016
Event26th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE 2015 - Austin, United States
Duration: 31 May 20154 Jun 2015

Publication series

NameProceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering


Conference26th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • Plasma scenarios
  • Power exhaust
  • Tokamak
  • disruptions


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