An investigation of belief-free DRL and MCTS for inspection and maintenance planning

Daniel Koutas, Elizabeth Bismut, Daniel Straub

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We propose a novel Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) architecture for sequential decision processes under uncertainty, as encountered in inspection and maintenance (I &M) planning. Unlike other DRL algorithms for (I &M) planning, the proposed +RQN architecture dispenses with computing the belief state and directly handles erroneous observations instead. We apply the algorithm to a basic I &M planning problem for a one-component system subject to deterioration. In addition, we investigate the performance of Monte Carlo tree search for the I &M problem and compare it to the +RQN. The comparison includes a statistical analysis of the two methods’ resulting policies, as well as their visualization in the belief space.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6
JournalJournal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2024


  • Deep reinforcement learning
  • Maintenance planning
  • Monte Carlo tree search
  • Neural networks
  • One-component deteriorating system
  • Partially observable MDP


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