An extended polarization model to study the influence of current collector geometry of large-format lithium-ion pouch cells

Stephan Kosch, Alexander Rheinfeld, Simon V. Erhard, Andreas Jossen

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55 Scopus citations


In this work, depth-of-discharge and temperature distribution of a large-format lithium-ion pouch cell are examined by means of a two-dimensional electro-thermal polarization model. A method of improving the dynamic behavior of the model while maintaining its accuracy under constant current loads by applying intermittent charge and discharge data is given. The model is validated with the aid of experimental data gained from dynamic and constant current discharge profiles applied to a commercial 40 Ah Li-ion pouch cell. Two major design studies are carried out focusing on a variation of geometrical parameters, namely the size and the positioning of the cell tabs. For each design, the influence of current collector thickness on the uniformity of the temperature and depth-of-discharge distribution is investigated during a 4C constant current discharge operation. Simulation results show that reducing the current collector thickness results in a moderate increase of 3 °C in maximum temperature and 1.5% in depth-of-discharge imbalance if the tab size is increased. In consequence, lowering the share of inactive components within a lithium-ion cell by optimizing the thickness of the current collector foils should be further considered to enhance the performance of typical lithium-ion cell designs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)666-676
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Power Sources
StatePublished - 2017


  • Cell tabs
  • Current collector thickness
  • Lithium ion battery
  • Modeling
  • Transient behavior


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