An extended invariant approach to laminate failure of fibre-reinforced polymer structures

G. Corrado, A. Arteiro, A. T. Marques, J. Reinoso, F. Daoud, F. Glock

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3 Scopus citations


This paper presents the extension and validation of omni-failure envelopes for first-ply failure (FPF) and last-ply failure (LPF) analysis of advanced composite materials under general three-dimensional (3D) stress states. Phenomenological failure criteria based on invariant structural tensors are implemented to address failure events in multidirectional laminates using the “omni strain failure envelope” concept. This concept enables the generation of safe predictions of FPF and LPF of composite laminates, providing reliable and fast laminate failure indications that can be particularly useful as a design tool for conceptual and preliminary design of composite structures. The proposed extended omni strain failure envelopes allow not only identification of the controlling plies for FPF and LPF, but also of the controlling failure modes. FPF/LPF surfaces for general 3D stress states can be obtained using only the material properties extracted from the unidirectional (UD) material, and can predict membrane FPF or LPF of any laminate independently of lay-up, while considering the effect of out-of-plane stresses. The predictions of the LPF envelopes and surfaces are compared with experimental data on multidirectional laminates from the first and second World-Wide Failure Exercise (WWFE), showing a satisfactory agreement and validating the conservative character of omni-failure envelopes also in the presence of high levels of triaxiality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1045-1068
Number of pages24
JournalAeronautical Journal
Issue number1300
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Analytical modelling
  • Failure criteria
  • Laminate mechanics
  • Laminates
  • Polymer-matrix composites
  • Strength


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