An all-at-once Newton strategy for marine methane hydrate reservoir models

Shubhangi Gupta, Barbara Wohlmuth, Matthias Heckel

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9 Scopus citations


The migration of methane through the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) in the marine subsurface is characterized by highly dynamic reactive transport processes coupled to thermodynamic phase transitions between solid gas hydrates, free methane gas, and dissolved methane in the aqueous phase. The marine subsurface is essentially a water-saturated porous medium where the thermodynamic instability of the hydrate phase can cause free gas pockets to appear and disappear locally, causing the model to degenerate. This poses serious convergence issues for the general-purpose nonlinear solvers (e.g., standard Newton), and often leads to extremely small time-step sizes. The convergence problem is particularly severe when the rate of hydrate phase change is much lower than the rate of gas dissolution. In order to overcome this numerical challenge, we have developed an all-at-once Newton scheme tailored to our gas hydrate model, which can handle rate-based hydrate phase change coupled with equilibrium gas dissolution in a mathematically consistent and robust manner.

Original languageEnglish
Article number503
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020


  • Active-sets strategy
  • Methane hydrate
  • NCP
  • Nonlinear complementary constraints
  • Phase transitions
  • Semi-smooth Newton method


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