Aging-Driven Composition and Distribution Changes of Electrolyte and Graphite Anode in 18650-Type Li-Ion Batteries

Dominik Petz, Volodymyr Baran, Christoph Peschel, Martin Winter, Sascha Nowak, Michael Hofmann, Robert Kostecki, Rainer Niewa, Michael Bauer, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Anatoliy Senyshyn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


A series of low-temperature studies on LiNi0.80Co0.15Al0.05O2 18650-type batteries of high-energy type with different stabilized states of fatigue is carried out using spatially resolved neutron powder diffraction, infrared/thermal imaging, and quasi-adiabatic calorimetry. In-plane distribution of lithium in the graphite anode and frozen electrolyte in fully charged state is determined non-destructively with neutron diffraction and correlated to the introduced state of fatigue. An independent electrolyte characterization is performed via calorimetry studies on variously aged 18650-type lithium-ion batteries, where the shape of the thermodynamic signal is evolving with the state of fatigue of the cells. Analyzing the liquid electrolyte extracted/harvested from the studied cells reveals the decomposition of conducting salt to be the main driving factor for fatigue in the electrolyte degradation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2201652
JournalAdvanced Energy Materials
Issue number45
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2022


  • aging
  • conducting lithium salt
  • differential thermal analysis
  • electrolyte compositions
  • lithium-ion batteries
  • neutron powder diffraction


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