Age-associated plasticity in the intrinsic innervation of the ovine rumen

Helga Pfannkuche, Corinna Schellhorn, Michael Schemann, Jörg R. Aschenbach, Gotthold Gäbel

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17 Scopus citations


The rumen of adult sheep functions as a large fermentation chamber. In the newborn suckling ruminant, the rumen is bypassed and milk enters the abomasum directly. It was the aim of our study to investigate whether the transmitter content of intrinsic nerves changes with the developmental stage. The neurochemical code of myenteric neurons in the rumen from suckling lambs, fattened lambs and adult sheep was determined by using quadruple immunohistochemistry against choline-acetyltransferase (ChAT), nitric oxide synthase (NOS), substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Three neurochemically distinct subpopulations were identified within the rumen. They expressed the code ChAT/-, ChAT/SP and NOS/VIP. The number of ChAT/SP neurons did not change during development. It was 62% in the newborn lamb and remained stable in fattened lambs (63%) and adult sheep (63%). By contrast, the number of ChAT/- neurons decreased significantly from 20% in suckling lambs to 11% and 7% in fattened lambs and adult sheep, respectively. Simultaneously, the proportion of NOS/VIP neurons increased from 16% in suckling lambs to 29% in adult sheep. The increase in the proportion of NOS/VIP immunoreactive neurons indicates an adaptation to large volumes of ingesta at the beginning of roughage intake and rumination. We conclude that the age-associated changes in neurochemical code of myenteric neurons in the forestomach are related to the adaption of the rumen to different functional properties during development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)277-282
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Anatomy
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2003


  • Choline acetyltransferase
  • Enteric nervous system
  • Forestomach
  • Nitric oxide synthase
  • Substance P
  • Vasoactive intestinal peptide


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