Advanced imaging reveals enhanced malignancy in glioblastomas involving the subventricular zone: evidence of increased infiltrative growth and perfusion

Michael Griessmair, Severin Schramm, Julian Ziegenfeuter, Julian Canisius, Kirsten Jung, Claire Delbridge, Friederike Schmidt-Graf, Meike Mitsdoerffer, Claus Zimmer, Bernhard Meyer, Marie Christin Metz, Benedikt Wiestler

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Background: Glioblastoma’s infiltrative growth and heterogeneity are influenced by neural, molecular, genetic, and immunological factors, with the precise origin of these tumors remaining elusive. Neurogenic zones might serve as the tumor stem cells’ nest, with tumors in contact with these zones exhibiting worse outcomes and more aggressive growth patterns. This study aimed to determine if these characteristics are reflected in advanced imaging, specifically diffusion and perfusion data. Methods: In this monocentric retrospective study, 137 glioblastoma therapy-naive patients (IDH-wildtype, grade 4) with advanced preoperative MRI, including perfusion and diffusion imaging, were analyzed. Tumors and neurogenic zones were automatically segmented. Advanced imaging metrics, including cerebral blood volume (CBV) from perfusion imaging, tissue volume mask (TVM), and free water corrected fractional anisotropy (FA-FWE) from diffusion imaging, were extracted. Results: SVZ infiltration positively correlated with CBV, indicating higher perfusion in tumors. Significant CBV differences were noted between high and low SVZ infiltration cases at specific percentiles. Negative correlation was observed with TVM and positive correlation with FA-FWE, suggesting more infiltrative tumor growth. Significant differences in TVM and FA-FWE values were found between high and low SVZ infiltration cases. Discussion: Glioblastomas with SVZ infiltration exhibit distinct imaging characteristics, including higher perfusion and lower cell density per voxel, indicating a more infiltrative growth and higher vascularization. Stem cell-like characteristics in SVZ-infiltrating cells could explain the increased infiltration and aggressive behavior. Understanding these imaging and biological correlations could enhance the understanding of glioblastoma evolution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)343-350
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Neuro-Oncology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 2025


  • 850k methylation analysis
  • Advanced imaging biomarkers
  • Fully automated tumor segmentations
  • Tumorigenesis of glioblastoma


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