About the design of new or recalculation of existing inner linings of tunnels taking the non-linear material behaviour of concrete into account

T. Nevrly, O. Fischer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


In underground constructions, soil and rock act as a loading and load bearing element at the same time. This is especially the case for tunnel linings embedded in soil and rock. Therefore, for the practical application of non-linear methods for the design of tunnel shells, it is of major importance to develop a safety concept free of contradictions. Based on the experiences of several tunnelling projects where non-linear calculation methods have been applied, an overall approach for the verification of the lining in ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state is presented. The concept is especially fit for the analysis of unreinforced or lightly reinforced tunnel shells and for the verification of existing tunnel linings as it is able to activate additional system capacities. Currently the analysis and verification of existing tunnels has become increasingly important. Thus, the retro-fitting of tunnels with the objective of meeting new safety standards, such as the German RABT 2006, is always associated with an assessment of the existing linings and their current structural condition. On this basis, necessary renovation and repair work can be planned. The proposed verification concept is also fit for this purpose.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication4th International fib Congress 2014
Subtitle of host publicationImproving Performance of Concrete Structures, FIB 2014 - Proceedings
PublisherUniversities Press (India) Private Limited
Number of pages3
ISBN (Electronic)9788173719196
StatePublished - 2014
Event4th International fib Congress, FIB 2014 - Powai, Mumbai, India
Duration: 10 Feb 201414 Feb 2014

Publication series

Name4th International fib Congress 2014: Improving Performance of Concrete Structures, FIB 2014 - Proceedings


Conference4th International fib Congress, FIB 2014
CityPowai, Mumbai


  • Non-linear calculation methods
  • Tunnel linings
  • Unreinforced concrete


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