A zonal grid algorithm for DNS of turbulent boundary layers

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203 Scopus citations


A zonal grid algorithm for direct numerical simulation (DNS) of incompressible turbulent flows within a Finite-Volume framework is presented. The algorithm uses fully coupled embedded grids and a conservative treatment of the grid-interface variables. A family of conservative prolongation operators is tested in a 2D vortex dipole and a 3D turbulent boundary layer flow. These tests show that both, first- and second-order interpolation conserves the overall second-order spatial accuracy of the scheme. The first-order conservative interpolation has a smaller damping effect on the solution but the second-order conservative interpolation has better spectral properties. The application of this algorithm in boundary layer flow separating and reattaching due to the presence of a streamwise pressure gradient reveals the power and usefulness of the presented algorithm. This simulation has been made possible by the zonal grid algorithm by reducing the required number of grid points from about 500 × 106 to 130 × 106 grid cells.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)435-461
Number of pages27
JournalComputers and Fluids
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2004


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