A transmembrane tight junction protein selectively expressed on endothelial cells and platelets

Ines Nasdala, Karen Wolburg-Buchholz, Hartwig Wolburg, Annegret Kuhn, Klaus Ebnet, Gertrud Brachtendorf, Ulrike Samulowitz, Bernhard Kuster, Britta Engelhardt, Dietmar Vestweber, Stefan Butz

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192 Scopus citations


Searching for cell surface proteins expressed at interndothelial cell contacts, we have raised monoclonal antibodies against intact mouse endothelial cells. We obtained two monoclonal antibodies, 1G8 and 4C10, that stain endothelial cell contacts and recognize a protein of 55 kDa. Purification and identification by mass specrometry of this protein revealed that it contains two extracellular Ig domains, reminiscent of the JAM family, but a much longer 120-amino acid cytoplasmic domain. The antigen is exclusively expressed on endothelial cells of various organs as was analyzed by immunohistohemistry. Immunogold labeling of ultrathin sections of brain as well as skeletal muscle revealed that the antien strictly colocalizes in capillaries with the tight junction markers occludin, claudin-5, and ZO-1. Upon transection into MDCK cells, the antigen was restricted to the most apical tip of the lateral cell surface, where it colocalized with ZO-1 but not with β-catenin. In contrast to JAM-1, however, the 1G8 antigen does not associate with the PDZ domain proteins ZO-1, AF-6, or ASIP/PAR-3, despite the presence of a PDZ-binding motif. The 1G8 antigen was not detected on peripheral blood mouse leukocytes, whereas similar to JAM-1 it was strongly expressed on platelets and megakaryocytes. The 1G8 antigen supports homophilic interactions on transected Chinese hamster ovary cells. Based on the similarity to the JAM molecules, it is plausible that the 1G8 antigen might be involved in interendothelial cell adhesion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16294-16303
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number18
StatePublished - 3 May 2002
Externally publishedYes


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