A time-dependent neutron transport code coupled with the thermal-hydraulics code athlet

Andreas Pautz, Adolf Birkhofer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


We introduce a new neutron transport code for transient analyses of nuclear systems. The code system is based on the well-known Discrete Ordinates code DORT, which solves the steady-state transport equation for an arbitrary number of energy groups and standard 2D geometries. To minimise the errors due to temporal discretisation, an unconditionally stable, fully implicit time integration scheme has been employed. This requires various modifications to the transport code, the extensive use of elaborated acceleration techniques and substantially tightened convergence criteria for fluxes and fission densities. To perform coupled accident analyses, an interface to the thermal hydraulic system code ATHLET has been developed. Nodal power densities from the transport code are passed to ATHLET to calculate thermal-hydraulic system parameters, e.g. fuel and coolant temperatures. These are in turn used to generate DORT-compatible nuclear cross sections by interpolation from pre-calculated data sets for each time step. Finally, to demonstrate the transient capabilities of the coupled code system, the research reactor FRM-II has been analysed. Several design basis accidents were modelled, like the loss of offsite power and the unintended control rod withdrawl.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the PHYSOR 2002 - International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology
Subtitle of host publicationReactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing - The ANS 2002 RPD Topical Meeting
PublisherAmerican Nuclear Society
ISBN (Electronic)0894486721, 9780894486722
StatePublished - 2002
Event2002 International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing, PHYSOR 2002 - Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 7 Oct 200210 Oct 2002

Publication series

NameProceedings of the PHYSOR 2002 - International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing - The ANS 2002 RPD Topical Meeting


Conference2002 International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing, PHYSOR 2002
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of


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