A structured exercise programme during haemodialysis for patients with chronic kidney disease: Clinical benefit and long-term adherence

Kirsten Anding, Thomas Bär, Joanna Trojniak-Hennig, Simone Kuchinke, Rolfdieter Krause, Jan M. Rost, Martin Halle

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79 Scopus citations


Objective: Long-term studies regarding the effect of a structured physical exercise programme (SPEP) during haemodialysis (HD) assessing compliance and clinical benefit are scarce. Study design: A single-centre clinical trial, nonrandomised, investigating 46 patients with HD (63.2 ±16.3 years, male/female 24/22, dialysis vintage 4.4 years) performing an SPEP over 5 years. The SPEP (twice/week for 60 min during haemodialysis) consisted of a combined resistance (8 muscle groups) and endurance (supine bicycle ergometry) training. Exercise intensity was continuously adjusted to improvements of performance testing. Changes in endurance and resistance capacity, physical functioning and quality of life (QoL) were analysed over 1 year in addition to long-term adherence and economics of the programme over 5 years. Average power per training session, maximal strength tests (maximal exercise repetitions/min), three performance-based tests for physical function, SF36 for QoL were assessed in the beginning and every 6 months thereafter. Results: 78% of the patients completed the programme after 1 year and 43% after 5 years. Participants were divided-according to adherence to the programme-into three groups: (1) high adherence group (HA, >80% of 104 training sessions within 12 months), (2) moderate adherence (MA, 60-80%), and 3. Low adherence group (LA, <60%)) with HA and MA evaluated quantitatively. One-year follow-up data revealed significant (p<0.05) improvement for both groups in all measured parameters: exercise capacity (HA: 55%, MA: 45%), strength (HA: >120%, MA: 40-50%), QoL in three scores of SF36 subscales and physical function in the three tests taken between 11% and 31%. Moreover, a quantitative correlation analysis revealed a close association (r=0.8) between large improvement of endurance capacity and weak physical condition (HA). Conclusions: The exercise programme described improves physical function significantly and can be integrated into a HD routine with a high long-term adherence.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere008709
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2015


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