A software benchmark for cardiac elastodynamics

Reidmen Aróstica, David Nolte, Aaron Brown, Amadeus Gebauer, Elias Karabelas, Javiera Jilberto, Matteo Salvador, Michele Bucelli, Roberto Piersanti, Kasra Osouli, Christoph Augustin, Henrik Finsberg, Lei Shi, Marc Hirschvogel, Martin Pfaller, Pasquale Claudio Africa, Matthias Gsell, Alison Marsden, David Nordsletten, Francesco RegazzoniGernot Plank, Joakim Sundnes, Luca Dede’, Mathias Peirlinck, Vijay Vedula, Wolfgang Wall, Cristóbal Bertoglio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In cardiovascular mechanics, reaching consensus in simulation results within a physiologically relevant range of parameters is essential for reproducibility purposes. Although currently available benchmarks contain some of the features that cardiac mechanics models typically include, some important modeling aspects are missing. Therefore, we propose a new set of cardiac benchmark problems and solutions for assessing passive and active material behavior, viscous effects, and pericardial boundary condition. The problems proposed include simplified analytical fiber definitions and active stress models on a monoventricular and biventricular domains, allowing straightforward testing and validation with already developed solvers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number117485
JournalComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
StatePublished - 15 Feb 2025


  • Benchmark
  • Cardiac mechanics
  • Finite elements
  • Hyperelasticity
  • Software


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