A robust DC-link voltage control strategy to enhance the performance of shunt active power filters without harmonic detection schemes

Ricardo Lúcio De Araujo Ribeiro, Thiago De Oliveira Alves Rocha, Raphaell Maciel De Sousa, Euzeli Cipriano Dos Santos, Antonio Marcus Nogueira Lima

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

94 Scopus citations


Shunt active power filters (SAPFs) implemented without harmonic detection schemes are susceptible to sudden load variations. This paper proposes a robust control strategy to reduce this drawback. In this strategy, the dc-link voltage is regulated by a hybrid control technique combining a standard proportional-integral PI and a sliding-mode (SM) controllers. The SM scheme continuously determines the gains of the PI controller based on the control loop error and its derivative. The chattering due to the SM scheme is reduced by a transition rule that fixes the controller gains when steady-state condition is reached. This controller is termed as dual-sliding-mode-proportional-integral. The phase currents of the power grid are indirectly regulated by double-sequence controllers with two degrees of freedom, where the internal model principle is employed to avoid reference frame transformation. The proposed control strategy ensures zero steady-state error and improves the performance under hard transients such as load variation. Additionally, it presents robustness when the SAPF is operating under unbalanced conditions. Experimental results demonstrate the performance of the proposed control scheme.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6870483
Pages (from-to)803-813
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Adaptive control strategy
  • harmonic compensation
  • power factor correction
  • shunt active power filter (SAPF)


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