A novel method for the search and identification of feasible splits of extractive distillations in ternary mixtures

Feliks Petlyuk, Roman Danilov, Jakob Burger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


This article describes a novel general method for the search and identification of possible splits of extractive distillations in any ternary azeotropic mixture - the method of infinitely sharp splits. This method finds all feasible product compositions that can be obtained in an extractive column at infinite height and finite reflux. Limiting parameters of mode for the entrainer flow rate and the reflux ratio are determined fast and robustly from the local K-values (vapor-liquid distribution coefficients) of all three components along the sides of the concentration triangle. For the given product specifications the method additionally determines the required number of trays in all the column sections. Hence, both operating and investment costs can quickly be analyzed without cumbersome simulations. The method can be extended to multi-component mixtures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-148
Number of pages17
JournalChemical Engineering Research and Design
StatePublished - 1 Jul 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Azeotropic distillation
  • Computer-aided process engineering
  • Conceptual design
  • Extractive distillation
  • Short-cut method


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