A General Voltage-Behind-Reactance Formulation of a Multivoltage n × 3-Phase Hybrid-Excited Synchronous Machine

Stanko Gradev, Joerg Reuss, Hans Georg Herzog

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7 Scopus citations


The paper describes a general model of a hybrid-excited synchronous machine with multiple voltage levels each generated by a 3-phase stator system in a voltage-behind-reactance formulation. The different voltage level of each 3-phase stator system is realized in the same machine design. The rotor is excited through an excitation winding and a permanent magnet. The model incorporates magnetic saturation of the main inductance, magnetic and electric coupling between all phases, and the field winding and a mechanical displacement angle. The cross coupling between q and d axes of the main inductances is included as a constant saliency factor α for all saturation levels. The turn ratio of each 3-phase stator winding system to another 3 -phase system is also modeled as a constant value. Each 3-phase system saturates the iron core with a different weighting represented by the number of turns relative to the reference stator system. The proposed model is included in a field-oriented control scheme. Simulations are carried out with requested Iq,d and field winding currents to demonstrate model's dynamics, and the results are verified with measurements on a test bench.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7529053
Pages (from-to)1452-1461
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2016


  • multi-voltage machine
  • n × 3-phase synchronous machine
  • voltage-behind reactance


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