A general concept for design modification of shell meshes in structural-acoustic optimization - Part II: Application to a floor panel in sedan interior noise problems

Steffen Marburg, Hans Jürgen Hardtke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

43 Scopus citations


The second part of this paper is dedicated to the application of the new concept that was outlined in the first part. Using this concept, one manipulates the geometry of a finite element shell mesh directly. Part of a sedan floor structure is chosen for this application. A plane rectangular domain of the floor panel is defined as modification domain. The number of 33 design variables consists of nine defining the global modification function and 24 that altogether define four local modification functions. It will be demonstrated in this paper that combination of global and local modification functions allows a great variety of new shapes. In the particular case of design optimization, the root mean square value of the noise transfer function is decreased by about two decibel. Contribution analysis allows to detect reasons for decrease and increase of the optimum's noise transfer function at certain frequencies in comparison to the original model. Finally, this result is discussed and compared with other results of structural-acoustic optimization.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)737-754
Number of pages18
JournalFinite Elements in Analysis and Design
Issue number8
StatePublished - Jun 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • Finite elements
  • Noise transfer function
  • Parametric model
  • Passive noise control
  • Shape optimization
  • Structural-acoustic optimization
  • Vehicle interior noise


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