A cyclic hexamer of silver trifluoroacetate supported by four triphenylphosphine sulfide template molecules

Bratislav Djordjevic, Oliver Schuster, Hubert Schmidbaur

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44 Scopus citations


Crystallization of silver trifluoroacetate from chloroform solutions containing triphenylphosphine sulfide affords a trigonal and a monoclinic form of a 6:4 complex {[CF3C(O)OAg]6(Ph3PS) 4} of C2 symmetry with different amounts of chloroform in the crystals. With the Ph3PS components as template molecules, the CF3C(O)OAg units are assembled to form a 6-membered metallacycle codetermined by metallophilic bonding and enclosed by a 24-membered ring [AgOCO]6. A complex of the type [LAgOC(O)CF3]2, with L representing the isocyanide ligand pTolSO2-CH 2NC, has been shown to have a conventional bicyclic structure with three-coordinate silver atoms engaged in transannular metallophilic interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)673-676
Number of pages4
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number3
StatePublished - 7 Feb 2005


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