title = "{\"o}konomisches, {\"o}kologisches und zeitliches Einsparpotenzial eines Milkruns beim Fl{\"u}ssiglebensmitteltransport zwischen Italien und Deutschland",
author = "Michael Schmid and Teresa Hoiss and Heinz Bernhardt",
year = "2020",
language = "Deutsch",
series = "Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)",
publisher = "Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI)",
pages = "277--282",
editor = "Markus Gandorfer and Andreas Meyer-Aurich and Heinz Bernhardt and Maidl, {Franz Xaver} and Georg Frohlich and Helga Floto",
booktitle = "Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernahrungswirtschaft - Fokus",
note = "Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernahrungswirtschaft - Fokus: Digitalisierung fur Mensch, Umwelt und Tier, Referate der 40. GIL-Jahrestagung - Informatics in Agriculture, Forestry and the Food Sector - Focus: Digitalization for People, Environment and Animals, Presentations at the 40th GIL Annual Conference ; Conference date: 17-02-2020 Through 18-02-2020",